Thursday, July 22, 2010

and we're back.

home, that is.

to a new home, once again. time to relearn all of the drawers and cabinets in the kitchen

everything has been packed up, carefully placed in that back of my bright yellow traveling companion, carried home. and the unpacking is slowly beginning.

there is new ink on my skin.
hopefully there are new eyes to see as well.

and now begins the countdown...37 days until i fly away.
and the to-do list?

1. write a paper
2. write a research paper
3. read 7-9 books
4. make $500
5. find wool socks and a rain jacket
6. buy a camera?
7. write some letters
8. spend some qt with the fam
9. spend some qt with the friends
10. pick blackberries
11. bake things.

sidenote: if number six does happen...this is about to get a lot more colorful.

now, time for that paper.

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