Thursday, November 11, 2010

i'm all about the USPS

today i received some mail. REAL mail. like, from the post office.

it was the best feeling ever.

and watching the sort-of-unfriendly post office woman open my package and look through it in front of me was almost as good as opening it myself.

thank you friends, and brother and sister susan.

i took my arabic final today. i can now say that i have attempted to learn two languages in my life and am proficient in neither of them. that's accomplishment.
therefore, this is my plan:

when school is over, my degrees are earned, and my loans paid off, i will take off.
for a year. somewhere. live on a farm. learn a language. experience more of the world.
because the world is big, and there is too much empty space in this average-sized brain of mine.

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