Now, it's time for Palm Sunday revisited.
What does the church look like?
I think it sort of looks like seven congregations speaking different languages gathering outside in City Heights to read the story of Christ's triumphal entry.
I think it looks like waving palm branches and singing Hosanna with people you love, people you don't know, and people you might not have cared to know before.
I think it looks like living in the midst of this song, this praise, while watching a man get arrested outside the doors of the church. and living in that tension, and not knowing the answers to the questions that come to your mind.
questions like, wait, so what does the church look like? and what does justice look like?
pass the peace of Christ. wait, how do you do that?
partake of the Eucharist, the holy meal, the Lord's supper.
become re-membered to this body, this bride, this supposed representation of who Christ is, was, will be. anticipate the coming of good Friday, and of Easter.
wait, what does that look like again?
I think the church looks like people. people who are different. who disagree. people who see the world differently. and because of that can see the parts others may overlook.
when we can have the heart of Christ
to understand what it means to follow the God of the broken. to be a friend to the weak.
to wash the feet of the weary. to embrace the ones in need.
yes. i quoted vineyard. props to you, vineyard. good song.