Tuesday, March 30, 2010

the trains carry our secrets away. toot toot!

whenever i think about sitting down to write something, i think of way too many things to write about. and then when i actually sit down to stop, think, process, write...i feel like i don't actually have anything to say.

but i realize it has been a few days since i've been here...to this magical space i have for some reason created for myself.
so, here goes.

today is Tuesday...for now...but let's revisit to Palm Sunday.
actually. let's revisit to pre-Palm Sunday Saturday...
i am always thankful for quality time with friends. and for opportunities to escape the everyday events with a trip to the beach with great people.
enter the adventures of the train whisperers...
our first quest: to make dinner...italian sandwiches, a definite success. yay for avocado..you don't get that in the caf, no sir.
next, we tell secrets, but only when the train goes by to carry them away never to be heard again.
then we storm the city...or just stroll through little italy..and accidentally set off a parking garage alarm trying to sneak in so we can see airplanes land.
there's nothing like a good prayer before a meal, a nice warm cup of apple cider, and good conversations with people you love.

train whisperers.secret tellers.adventurers.thinkers.talkers.

to be continued in a few minutes.

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