Monday, September 20, 2010


more stories will come soon, i promise.

but here are some updates:

1. fus'ha arabic is difficult bezzef

2. i am taking a belly dancing class. it is a) really fun and b) necessitates a shower afterwards

3. cous cous friday is my new favorite thing

4. i really like quality time, and coffee

5. roman ruins are cool, but vomitoriums? really?

6. Fez = awesome. i'll try to show you, but i haven't looked at my pics yet..

7. in two weeks...village stay. boo yah.

8. nice try morocco, but rice + potatoes does not constitute a salad.

that's all for now.

1 comment:

  1. i love your updates.
    i want to be there to live your life w you.
    at least we can have #4. together in alicante, brussels, and paris, soon.
    and haha..8.
