This morning as I was walking to class (late...eating my breakfast as i walked...typical) I was greeted with a number of "bonjours" and "sbaah-lkheers". It was quite nice, and in my head I thought "cool, nice to me during the last week of my home stay...right before i leave you forever"
and then i realized this was one of the only days that i didn't have my headphones on as i walked to class in an attempt to avoid cat calls and awkward conversations. way to go, time let's not block out the world that just wants to tell you good morning.
next subject:
last weekend my dear friend courtney pate came to visit for the weekend.
such a breath of fresh air. so nice to have someone familiar in my life (even if it was only like...2 days)
i failed at taking pictures this weekend, and she wrote about all the things that feel normal to me and that i probably forgot to tell you about, so...
go read this:
next week i start my 3 week long research adventure
so far it looks as if i will be visiting a few different villages and figuring out what food they grow, what they sell in the markets, what they eat at home and how those are different and what that means for the people living in these villages.
i realize that's really vague. (that's because i don't really know what i'm doing yet...also typical)
it should be exciting. and it should stretch me. 3 weeks of independent research... independent aka by myself.
until next time...beslaama.
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