Thursday, October 7, 2010

Back in the city.

I am back in Rabat after spending a week in a rural village by the name of Loutichina (Land of Drought)
The transition is interesting, and I am impressed with how quickly my body finds the shower, my mouth finds the coffee, and my hands find my keyboard.
I was home for literally five minutes when I found out these things:
Our dog had puppies. Five. FIVE PUPPIES. They live on the roof
Today, Thursday, I am going with my family to get henna, because
Tomorrow, Friday, We are going to my father’s sister’s daughter’s wedding in Sale, Rabat’s sister city. There will be food and music zwina, and because of this, I
Need to buy a kaftan/moroccan dress, thus
This weekend is going to be crazy.

But other than that, here are some other things before I tell you the story of the village in a separate blog and then post pictures and another blog. And then I will tell you about my weekend in Tangier from awhile ago.
Wakha? Mezyan?

Compare and contrast the city and the village
Both smell of smoke- one is the camp-firey smell of twigs and pine cones, one is of cigarettes and exhaust
Both have a lot of waste on the ground- one is the natural, organic waste of animals (including people), the other is plastic bags, chicken feathers, paper, etc.
In both places you are never hungry.
In both places toilet paper is scarce.

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